It’s easy to have razor sharp chisels There is no substitute for sharp equipment when it comes to woodworking. The edge of your equipment will in many cases determine the quality of your crafted projects. This is particularly true for wood carving or when it comes to making quality wood joints like box joints. For some time I was under the impression that to sharpen tools, like chisels, is an act…
Flip Tray Drill Bit Organizer And Storage Cabinet | Free DIY Plans

Drill and router bit organizer build tutorial and plans Making the most of a small woodworking workshop has to start somewhere. Why not start by organizing and storing the range of bits laying around our shops in a convenient wall mount drill bit holder and save ourselves the frustration of trying to find the right drill bit in the cluttered space that is our workshops. The beauty of…
18V VS 20V Cordless Drills – Don’t Fall For A Gimmick

20V MAX vs 18V – Breaking down a battery Recently, during the course of a lazy Sunday afternoon, surfing around on social media, I came across a comment thread discussing cordless drills. The original post was enquiring as to the best brand but the conversation quickly turned into an argument (as it often does on social media) about which voltage makes for a better cordless drill, 20V MAX or 18V?. More…
Repair OR Replace Faulty Cordless Drill Batteries?

Cordless is convenient Sacrificing a little torque allows us to cut the cord and end up with an on-the-go portable power tool. Yes, cordless is convenient but the convenience does, unfortunately, come with a drawback. Batteries Cordless power tools operate with DC voltage supplied from a battery and unfortunately, the brains of the world are yet to develop a battery that can last forever. Though battery technology has experienced some major advances…
How To Bend Wood At Home Using Steam With A Simple DIY Steam Box

How to steam bend wood at home The most effective way to bend wood is done by using steam. Steam bending wood involves subjecting a piece of lumber to steam for a certain period of time allowing the steam to penetrate the wood. Doing so will result in the heat loosening up the fibers between the grains. This then makes the wood pliable, allowing the woodworker to shape the wood in a…
DIY Folding Miter Saw Stand | Make The Most Of A Small Shop

Miter saw stand for small workshop – Build tutorial and plans Many hobbyists, like myself, don’t enjoy the luxury of large shops. Like myself, they find themselves practicing their beloved hobby in sheds and small garages while dreaming of the day that they too can enjoy the space and freedom that comes with a large workshop. During one such a moment, daydreaming in front of my cluttered workbench, I came…
Best Of The Best Rugged Jobsite Radio | PB360S by Bosch

Your shop, your music… There is nothing like the right track to add ambiance to any experience. Working in your workshop, or on a jobsite, is no exception to that rule. When you feel your muscle’s start to weaken from fatigue “eye of the tiger” arrives in stereo to give you that much-needed boost or maybe you’re the “dance around your workshop on a Friday night while putting the final…
How to make your own DIY scissor lift with plans

How to make a DIY scissor lift Recently, after pondering a way to level out long workpieces when working with my small bench drill, I came up with a rough design for what would ultimately become this nifty little gem. I operate the lift using my 12V Bosch ps130-2A cordless drill. At it’s lower point it offers a 132mm high working platform while the small scissor lift platform can reach 300mm…
Making A Sanding Disc And Sander Holder

Sanding disc holder Clutter leads to an unproductive workshop and organizing your shop has to start somewhere. Take the first step on the path to a shop without clutter by making an easy-build sanding station to holster your orbital sander and also organize your sanding discs. What you’ll need – Cutting list: Base – 750x220m plank (at least 20mm thick) 6 – 40x8mm wooden dowels (Slightly smaller than the holes in a conventional…
Making A Solid Hardwood Farm Style Table – Free Plans

How to make a farm-style dining table Dining room tables bring families together. They are the boardroom tables of our homes where we joyfully discuss the ins and outs of our day while breaking for only short periods at a time to take another mouth full of mom’s top-notch cooking. We share, we laugh, we love…OK, maybe I’m overselling it a bit but I am sure we can all agree that dining…